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5 Q&A is where you get to meet and ask questions of some of the world’s quiet heroes -men and women who have committed their lives to helping and empowering others, particularly those who are struggling and suffering due to difficult circumstances. These are men and women who are creating real change in the lives of the people in their community. What drives this people? What do they have that makes them want to help even at their own expense? Find out from the episodes below where different topics and community groups are discussed. We are very proud to call them our partners, supporters and members of our team. They are working hard to help make our vision a reality.

5Q&A - David Ballard.jpg
5 Q&A - Khey Gambe.jpg
5 question with Ps Glenda - ps Merriam 16x9.jpg
5 q&a - Dr Maite.jpg
5 Q&A - George and Crystal Nita.jpg
5Q&A - Ps Angel Bonto - Aug 19 2021 - 1.jpg
5 Q&A - ps russ.jpg
generous & vonunteerism - Ps Paul Jurjens - July 22 2021.jpg
5Q&A - Uncontained love - Sep 2, 2021.jpg

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